Tulasi Vanam

Purushottama Bhagavan appeared as Ramabhadra avatara, at the sandhi or meeting point of Treta and Dvapara yuga. Bhagavan Rama is called Marayada Purushottama. Marayada signifies dharma. Purushottama signifies Brahman or Supreme Truth. On understating the meaning of Maryada Purushottama, we receive the knowledge of vedas since the central knowledge of vedas is dharma and Brahman. The vedas are contained in this very word Marayada Purushottama. Valmiki ji said that vedas took avatar in the form of Bhagavan Rama.

The word ‘Rama’ can reveal the knowledge of the entire creation to us at the divine, spiritual and material level.

Power of Bhagavan’s Name

Before we learn more about the divine name “Rama”, let us have a brief look at the power of a name.

When a person is in deep sleep, and we call out his name, he wakes up. The question arises, does the person wake up on hearing his name or he hears his name after waking up? If he wakes up on hearing his name, he was not asleep in the first place, and if he hears the name after waking up the name cannot be that which woke him up.

The answer is that the sleeping person wakes up on listening to his name being called. The name of the person, no matter what it is, has so much power that it can wake him up from deep slumber.

Now imagine, if an ordinary worldly name has such power, what would the power of the divine name of Bhagavan as Rama, Krisna, etc, be?

Read more on the power of name and form of Bhagavan here.

Essence of the Divine name ‘Rama’

Tulasidasji has given an explanation of the meaning of the word Rama based on the Upanishads, as follows.

The Ramcharitmanas:

बंदउँ नाम राम रघुबर को। हेतु कृसानु भानु हिमकर को॥
बिधि हरि हरमय बेद प्रान सो। अगुन अनूपम गुन निधान सो॥1॥

Implies: I pray taking the name “Rama” of Shri Raghunatha. The word “Rama” contains the seeds of fire as Krisanu, sun as Bhanu, and moon as Himkar, in the form of R- A- M. The word R-A-M is the form of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. It is the life of the vedas, formless, without any comparison and with abundant virtues.

Thus, at the transcendental divine level, it is known that the word “R-A-M” contains the seed of fire, the sun and the moon.

Paramatama is the Fire of all fires, the Sun of all suns and the Moon of all moons. This embodies the whole of creation.

The fire element contained in ‘R’ is the one derived from the potent seed of creation itself. Like the churning of the ocean gives amrita, the churning of the Aditya mandala present in the infinite brahmanda or universes,  gives us the Sun that is contained in the alphabet ‘A’. Similarly, we receive the essence of soma from the churning of the Chandra mandala, contained in ‘M’.

Fire, Sun and Moon – all three are illuminating. Like these three are visible outside, we have them in our bodies too.

At a spiritual level, the sun is the devata of eyes, the moon is the devata of the mind and fire is the devata of speech.

At a material level, the above stated is expressed as form (roop), words (coming through speech), what all is contained in the mind (bhava) and activity (kriya shakti expressed through prana or life force). Prana or life force is also ruled by the sun. The whole of creation is made up of these elements.

Ramaye-namaha and Rama

As per the Upanishads, the term Rama means the same as the term “Ramaye-namaha”.

‘R’ stands for Ishvara or Sachhidanda Svaroop Sarvesvara
‘A’ embodies the oneness between Ishvara and jiva
‘M’ stands for jiva or individual soul

‘Rama’ embodies the secret of creation

The word “R-A-M” contains the seed of fire, the sun and the moon.

We can consider fire to be the intimate form of the sun. Then, as per the Upanishads, it is understood that the whole of creation comes into being with the combination of soma (moon) and agni (fire).

It is explained in the Bhagavadgita and Upanishads, that soma takes the form of anna or that which is consumed (bhogya) and agni becomes the one to consume (bhogta). Soma and agni make the whole of creation. This is hence, the power contained in the word ‘Rama’.

To illustrate the above concept in a very simple way, Puri Shankaracharyaji, gives the example of creation at the micro level. We know how male and female, both are needed to procreate. Males are dominated by the soma tattva or moon and females are dominated by agni tattva. Together, they can create a family.

Moving into the idea of the larger creation, it is clearly explained in the Upanishads and Bhagavadgita that Prakriti and Purusha both are needed for creation to come into being.

Similarly, divine manifestation in the form of Bhagavan Shiva and Bhagavan Vishnu, both are needed for creation to function. While, they are both the same Paramatma, expressed through different lilas or activities through the form Vishnu and Shiva.


In the term “tarakabrahma”, “taraka” means that which can help us cross the ocean of samsara and “brahma” means the vedas.

The word ‘Rama’ contains the power of creation. Along with Omkara, the ‘Rama’ is considered to be the one to provide moksha (tarakabrahma), as per the Upanishads.

It is believed that on being cremated in Kashi, Bhagavan Shiva makes the jiva or individual soul lie down and Bhagavati fans him with the edge of a sari, In this state, Bhagavan Shiva gives the updesha of tarakabrahma mantra (Rama or Omkara) in the right ear of the person. With blessings of Bhagavan Shiva, the jiva is liberated from the cycle of birth and death. Read more here.

The word Rama can help us attain knowledge of all – at a material, spiritual and divine transcendental level. A person can become omniscient with the help of chanting the name Rama. Rama nama can free us from the cycle of birth and death, granting us moksha. It helps us wash away our sins and gain auspiciousness.

The word Rama grants us mukti, fills us with love and devotion, and is all-pervading. All types of devotees, take the help of Rama nama.

How does the chanting of Rama Nama work?

The element of agni or fire contained in the word Rama as ‘R’ is illuminating and can burn.
The element of the sun contained as ‘A’, is illuminating and heating.
The element of the moon or soma as ‘M’ is illuminating and refreshing or delighting.

On receiving the Rama nama mantra as mantra diksha from a guru, the first element of the word R-A-M (Rama) that is activated is ‘A’ (the beej mantra of Surya Bhagavan). It brings to light the sins or papas that are embedded in our dark spaces since several births. The heat makes these sins surface.

After this, the energy of ‘R’ is activated, illuminating and burning all these sins that emerged.

Then, we experience the delightful light of the moon through ‘M’. Tulasidasji said that the thief does not like moonlit nights. Moonlight does not allow anything unwanted and impure to persist in us.

Thus, Rama nama has a miraculous impact on our lives, elevating us spiritually and paving our way towards moksha.

What happens if we chant without understanding or knowing the meaning of ‘Rama’?

Fire burns us on touching it, whether we believe it is hot or not.
Consuming amrita or nectar will grant us immortality whether we know its nectar or not.

In the same way, chanting the name of Bhagavan Rama shall grant us self-purification, spiritual elevation and ultimately moksha, even if we do not know its meaning.

The above principle has been expounded by Svami Sreedhar in his commentaries on the Srimad Bhagavatam. He explains the fact that we do not require the knowledge of the inherent properties of an object, for it to express them (inherent properties).

Chant Rama Nama

We must take the name of Bhagavan Rama with the feeling that we belong to Him. Taking the name of Bhagavan Rama is an opportunity to improve ourselves. It is important to keep good company and nurture good habits to take Rama nama. We must use the strength of satsang, and do bhajan (japa). Taking Rama nama will free us from our afflictions.

It is a rare blessing if we can remember the name of Bhagavan Rama at the time of our death. This can happen only if we do so as we live. Read this story and get inspired to start chanting. There are great saints who have attained the siddhi of chanting the name of Bhagavan Rama, here is the story of Phool Chor Baba and his meeting with one such saint.

Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama
Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama


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