Tulasi Vanam

When I was in 11th standard I was in a hostel, leading a totally directionless life. At this young age, misguided by the environment, I went through every possible addiction. My stress levels were so high that I failed in the regular examinations.

At some point, I started reading philosophy on my physics teachers suggestion. I read Arthur Schopenhauer. Arthur Schopenhauer mentioned –

In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as that of the Upanishads. It has been the solace of my life, it will be the solace of my death.

This struck me and leaving all behind, I first studied Mandukya Upanishad (Shankara Bhashya), and then Niralamba Upanishad. Both these both texts opened up my mind. I was overwhelmed. I also listened to discourses at Ramakrishna Math and got introduced to advaita vedanta, hence, Shri Adi Shankaracharya and the four mathas.

Gradually, I removed every thing from my life that felt was negative, and started listening to Puri Shankaracharyaji Mahabhag. Vedanta became my favourite subject and I studied it alongside PCM, in 12th standard.

Going on, I scored a very good rank in JEE and most importantly, earned mental-peace.

A very good way you can make your life better is by investing time on building yourself. There is no better alternative than going back to the roots of your eternal culture where there is perfect sync between traditions, philosophy, metaphysics, economics, and so on.

Puri Shankaracharyaji is one of the most regarded saint of our times and comes from the very tradition established by Bhagwan Shankaracharyaji, Himself.

I read His works on several topics (and suggest all must to read too), ranging from core vedic traditions to mathematics (10+ books), philosophy and binary system used in computing (yes!). Reading all this, and listening to Puri Shankaracharyaji’s discourses on YouTube has changed my very existence and how I view life.

It is your turn now, to enrich yourself with the vedic knowledge and excel in your practical and spiritual life.

-Story by Anonymous devotee



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