Tulasi Vanam

Shivavtar Bhagavadpada Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji re-organised and structured the system of sannyasis by categorising them into ten types (dashanami sannyasis). The dashanami sannyasis were linked with the four mathas. The system of sannyasa is according to shrutis (or vedic revelations) and the sannyasa names or titles given are mostly just interpreted spiritually.

However, if we were to understand the practical application of these ten orders of sannyasa, the whole nation would prosper, explains Srimajjagadguru Svami Sri Nischalananda Sarasvatiji Maharaja, Shankaracharya of Puri.

Role & Responsibilities of Dashanami Sannyasis

The role of these sannyasis is crucial from a spiritual and practical point of view. Each type of sannyasi is to undertake specific duties and responsibilities pertaining to education, spiritual knowledge, protection and preservation of the wealth of forests, mountains, oceans, etc. Taking care of security and welfare of the people residing in these spaces, maintaining a healthy social order, ensuring that society flourishes with the ashrama system, and preservation and propagation of vedic knowledge was part of their duty.

Vana and Aranya Sannyasis

Govardhana matha has two types of sannyasi – Vana and Aranya. Smaller vanas (forests) are called aranyas. Their role is keep these secure, and to protect vanvasi and aranyavasi (forest dwellers), preventing anti-social elements from entering and creating any destruction. However, since this system was not followed, the Britishers entered our forests and started the processes of converting people to Christianity. Now their descendants do the same.

Sarasvati, Bharati, and Puri Sannyasis

Ramaeshvaram is associated with Sarasvati, Bharati, and Puri sannyasis. They are responsible for educational institutes, higher education, and maintenance of the purity of knowledge. If this role and responsibility was executed as guided by Shankaracharyaji, our traditional education and knowledge system would have remained intact and flourished.

Bhishma Pitamaha told Yudhishthira that those who use their education, intelligence and skill only for fulfilling desires and accumulating wealth, they are the biggest papi. Nowadays, most institutes are centres of papa alone and most “educated” are against dharma and Bharat. If these sannyasis were inspired enough to play their given role, such would not be the state of our educational institutes.

Protection of the eight external Puris is the work of Puri sannyasis. They are to ensure that sanctity of these Puris is maintained – Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya (Haridwar),  Kashi, Avantika (Ujjain), Dwaravati (Dwaraka), Kanchi, Jagannatha.

Tirtha and Ashrama Sannyasis

The sannyasis at Dvaraka have the titles – Tirtha and Ashrama. The former are to ensure that the Tirthas maintain their sacredness and not turn into materialistic centres. The latter maintain the Ashrama system in society so that everyone prospers.

Giri, Parvat and Sagara Sannyasis

The sannyasis of Badarinath are – Giri, Parvat, Sagara. ‘Giri’ is a small mountain. Their role is to protect and maintain the security of mountain dwellers and hill dwellers. To make sure they do not get destroyed and our lofty boundaries are secure from any unwanted infiltration. Now nothing is secure since the sannyasis have no idea about their duty.

Similarly, the Sagara sannyasis are to watch over the protection and security of the oceans. Attacks from Pakistan came via the ocean since Sagara sannyasis have no idea about their responsibility – to defend the rich natural resources of the ocean and protect Bharat.

Dashanami sannyasis, as per tradition, do not have a dahasanskara (cremation) since they have renounced fire or agni, and sannyasa is taken only after renouncing of agnihotra. Jala or bhu samadhi is the ritual after death. This is unlike Arya Samajis who do dahsanskara of their sannyasis.

As we can see from the above elaboration that Bhagavadpada Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji gave an entire well-structured system for Bharat to stay protected and flourish. Had the four amnaya pithas functioned according to the constitution provided by Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji and executed their duties and responsibilities, this would not be the state of Bharat today. We would not have the struggles and challenges we face now. No government, no political party or politician is responsible for this.

It is commonly thought that kaliyuga is the cause of this downfall of Bharat. In relation to this Srimajjagadguru Svami Sri Nischalananda Sarasvatiji shares the word given by Bhishma Pitamaha to Dharmaraja Yudhishthira.

Dharmaraja Yudhishthira asked Bhishma Pitamaha if kala (time) is the cause for the raja (king) or raja is the cause of  kala. Bhishma Pitamaha said that the raja is the cause of kala. Rama Rajya can be established even in kaliyuga if the raja is like Vikramaditya. In previous yugas there were rajas like Hiranyakashyapu, Ravana and Duryodhana that brought bad times. The ruler or raja is responsible for good or bad times.

Hence, even in kaliyuga Rama Rajya can be established.

Note: Have you heard the above titles of dashanami sannyasis as surnames? Learn about this here.


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