Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Bhagavan's Name & Form

Like a single palm with five fingers, when Bhagavan manifests creation after dissolution of the world (pralaya), he has to engage in five activities or tasks. For this, he manifests in five forms, while his original form remains the same. The five forms are, as follows:

Name of deityActivity Followers of deity
Sūrya or Brahmā creationSaura
Bhagavatī or Sakticontrol or restraintŚakta
Gaṇapatito bestow blessingsGāṇapatya

The root form of the five deities is the one nirguna-nirakara (attributeless-formless) and the one saguna-sakara (with attribute-form). The whole of creation is also the expression of that one Bhagavat tattva.

The difference between the five forms of Bhagavan and their respective avatars is with reference to their name, form, activities/expressions, and abode. In essence they are the same and their name indicates the same Bhagavat tattva. There is just one Bhagavan- Sacchidananda manifesting in several forms as mentioned in shastras.

If we have one Ishata devata (who maybe one of the five main deities or their avatara from), that does not mean there is any clash of interest with the other four deities, since they are same in essence.

To state an example, Tulasidasji is known to be a great devotee of Bhagavan Rama. Yet, when he started writing the Vinay Patrika or the Ramcharitmanas, he first wrote in praise of Bhagavan Ganapati and Ma Sarasvati, as per tradition. Their blessings are invoked before starting any auspicious study, grantha writing, etc., to bestow knowledge and to keep our activity obstacle free.

Tulasidasji, offers his prayers to all the other four deities, requesting them for blessings to help him on the path to attain his Ishta – Bhagavan Rama.

Similarly, we also must worship Bhagavan Ganapati and Ma Sarasvati, to invoke their blessings before we commence such activities, as per tradition.

For householders, it is recommended to offer prayers to all five deities. While, our special attraction and focus is directed towards our Ishta devata, the main deity in our heart, we worship all the other four deities, requesting them to strengthen our love and devotion towards our Ishta.

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