Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series Healthy Revolution: Actionable Guidelines

Since we are attempting to make efforts for the noble and important cause of Hindu Rashtra, that too, under the blessed guidance of Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji, we must keep in mind, the following points as we work towards a healthy revolution:

  • Think that the responsibility of this work is given to you by Adi Shankaracharyaji and not the government.
  • Operate from the above position and remember that the reign is of Bhagavan and He alone has created kaliyuga.
  • With this thought, drop hesitation and start working, slowly the situation will become favourable for your efforts.
  • When one would not suppress anyone and would look after the welfare of all, the path will be paved and we shall get good support automatically.
  • We must express ourselves creating harmony between philosophy, science and behaviour.
  • You must not loot others of their wealth and try to hoard riches for the next ten generations. Instead, if you take the initiative of making ten people independent and wise, others shall develop trust in you.
  • Utilise your life and, the mandirs and mathas, in creating individuals and a society that flourishes with cleanliness, purity, beauty, modesty and love.
  • Connect every Hindu with the totality or wholeness of existence: As a part of Sanatana Paramatma or Supreme Brahman, we are a life form. Being a life form, we are human beings. Being a human beings we are Hindu. As a Hindu we are male, female, brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya, shudra, etc. We must derive our identity from the whole of creation in this way and execute the responsibility we have. This is svasth kranti.
  • 7 points for us to incorporate in our lives to gain strength for svasth kranti:
    1. Power of Bhagavan (Ishwar ka bal)
    2. Power of Dharma (dharma ka bal)
    3. Power of spiritual practice & listening to discourses (sadhana/bhajan ka bal, stasang ka bal)
    4. Power of serving (seva ka bal)
    5. Power of sankirtan or kirtan if we are alone (sankirtan ka bal)
    6. Power of studying dharmic texts and scriptures (svadhyaya ka bal)
    7. Power of community (sangathan ka bal)
  • In the name of bringing a psychological revolution we must not create fights within Hindus due to our own likes and dislikes. This will annihilate our own existence.
  • We must follow guidance given by Pujayapad Puri Shankaracharyaji instead of trying to use our own head for svasth kranti.
  • Develop patience: The biggest problem created through the use of mahayantras or technology is the loss of patience and consistency (dhriti). People want quick success. However, all healthy struggles take an expected time.

When you connect your own individuality to the totality, that is Paramatma, you will prove yourself to be useful for all.

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