Tulasi Vanam

We often encounter people claiming that the philosophy of cArvAka-s [while it’s not as nuanced to be termed as a philosophical system] is very much a product of the “hindU-thought”, while it’s not. 

This is a bulleted short note on the different point of views of cArvaka-s. Refutation of these simple arguments has been left as an exercise to the reader e.g. as to how other pramANa-s (means of valid knowledge) than pratyakSha (perception) i.e, anumAna (inference) or shabda (verbal testimony) are valid.

Readers, after going through this will be able to compare the characteristics of cArvAka-s to that of anybody whom they desire.

tattva-s (elements that constitute reality) in the system of cArvAka-s: 

The philosophical system of cArvAka-s accepts four tattvas – prithvi, teja, jala, vAyu. When these tattva-s manifest in the form of the body, consciousness arises.

View on AtmA (soul) : 

cArvAka-s believe the body made up of above four tattvas i.e prithvi, teja, jala and vAyu itself is AtmA and as these elements destroy post death, the soul destroys too.

pramANa-s accepted by cArvAka-s: 

“..pramANAbhAvAt pratyakShaikapramANavAditayA anumAnAderaNgI kAreNa pramANyAbhAvAt..”

cArvAka-s accept pratyakSha or direct perception as the only pramANa and they believe other pramANa-s like inference, analogy and verbal testimony etcetera hold no value.

sukha (bliss) and puruShArtha-s (pursuits): 

“..aNganAliNganAdijanyaM sukhmeva puruShArthaH..” 

The sukha-s are nothing but the bhoga-s which are generated via physical interaction e.g, intercourse, good food etc, via phrases like …“R^DaM kR^tvA ghR^taM pibEta” → “drink ghee by taking debt”.

“yAvajjIvaM sukhaM jIvEnnAsti mR^tyorgocaraH।
bhasmIbhUtasya dEhasya punarAgamanaM kutaH।।”

As long as one lives, one should live happily. Once the body has turned to ashes, how can it return? Thus, one should enjoy life to the fullest while alive, as there is no awareness or experience (indicating non-belief in heaven/hell) after death.

Similarly, sukha and kAma as attributes of artha are the ultimate puruShArtha-s.

naraka, Ishwara and mokSha in the system of cArvAka-s: 

 “ata eva kaNTakAdijanyaM duHkhameva narakaM loksiddho rAjA parmeshwaraH dehokShedo mokShaH” 

The take of this doctrine is that the experience of duHkha (either physical or mental) is hell and the king accepted by people is the “paramEshwara” or God.

Since there’s no concept of a soul free from elements, death results in salvation.

Views on vaidika hiMsA:

Very similar to that of today’s hindU-s, the charvaka-s proposed –

“……pashushcennihitaH swargaM jyotiShTomE gamiShyati |
swapitA yajamAnena tatra kasmAnna hiMsyatE ||”

If animals who are sacrificed in yaj~Na-s attain swarga – Why don’t yajamAna-s sacrifice their own father? For their father(s) too will attain swarga.

cArvAka-s on brAhmaNa-s:

“tatashca jIvanopAyo brAhmaNairvihitastviha|
mRtAnAM prEtakAryyANi na tvanyadwidyatE kvacit||”

The post death rituals etc are nothing but a source of earning for brAhmaNa-s.

Attribution to bR^haspati:

To their absurd arguments, cArvAka-s have attributed them to bR^haspati, interestingly – “तदेतत् सर्व्वं बृहस्पतिनाप्युक्तम्” : “This, indeed, has all been said by bR^haspati.”

An interesting concluding note in the book of sarvadarshanasaMgraha**:


“tR^ayo vEdasya karttAro bhaNDadhUrtanishAcarAH।
jarfarIturfarItyAdi paNDitAnAM vacaHsmRtam।।
ashvasyAtra hi shishnaM tu patnigrahyam prakIrtitam।।
mAMsAnAM khAdanaM tadvannishAcarasamIritamiti।
tasmAd bahUnAM prANinAMnugrahArthaM cArvvAkamatamAshrayaNIyamiti ramaNIyam।।”

The authors of the three vEda-s are rogues and cheats. The sayings like “jarfarI, turfarI” (making fun as onomatopoeia of maNtra-s) are remembered as the words of the scholars.
[Reference from ashlIlabhAShaNa of ashvamEdha]*.
The eating of meat is declared by these evils (vaidika-s) in the same manner.
Therefore, for the benefit of many beings, it is delightful to adopt the philosophy of cArvAka.

This is how vidyAraNya swAmI concludes the doctrine of cArvAka-s.




**sarvadarshanasaMgraha of shrIsAyaNamAdhavAcArya is a book penned down by the past shaMkarAcArya of shR^MgerI as a collection of all the philosophical systems that existed at his time. 

{*}→ashlIla bhAShaNa, as termed by traditional commentators, is a part of ashvamEdha : Read Here

Note: Capital letters in between the letters according to the ITRANS transliteration scheme are stressed sounds.





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