Tulasi Vanam

When young Nilambar was in his high school (in Delhi), he overheard the dialogues of the Ramlila while strolling on the terrace.

He thought to himself that when our prabhu Bhagavan Ram could go to live in the forest for 14 long years in order to protect dharma and lift the weight off the earth, then, it is our duty to live a life of austerity in order to work for the same.

At this moment, he vowed to offer his life to protect the symbols of sanatana dharma and surrendered to it, fully.

Today, the young Nilambar is our revered Pujyapad Shankaracharaya of Puri.

Even at the age of 81, undeterred, His penance continues as He travels with utmost simplicity, across Bharat to protect the symbols of sanatana dharma, and guide millions of Hindus.


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