Tulasi Vanam

Thank you for your interest in writing for us. Kindly note that we are not a registered organization. This is a voluntary personal initiative by a few of us, inspired by our guru, Puri Shankaracharyaji. Read “About Us“. If you are comfortable with who we are, please go through the guidelines carefully before proceeding.

What kind of articles can you send in?

We would love content that supports traditional teachings and values of sanatana dharma. We also wish to keep the spirit of respect and brotherhood within the Hindu community and all diverse paths associated with it.


You may share your opinion on subjects related to Hindu traditions, practice, obstacles faced, current condition of nature in Bharat, observations, etc. Your piece must be based on the Hindu perspective or viewpoint. Please limit the submission to 1500 words.


Essays must be well researched, and presented along-with references. We welcome essays on any aspect of Hindu culture – art, architecture, martial arts, dance, music, clothing, food, regional festivals/rituals, etc; temples, indigenous cows, and nature. You could also write on developments in history/government policies/global agendas in relation to obstacles faced by Hindus in preserving their places of worship, social systems, values and culture, agricultural, traditional medicine practices, and nature (forests, water bodies, mountains, etc). Please keep it within 3000 words.

Book reviews

Share about the books you loved or the ones that are laced with anti-Hindu propaganda. We invite book reviews on subjects relevant to Hindus (includes culture and nature). We welcome book reviews of books authored by traditional Gurus/Acharyas (available in English translations) or any publications of traditional mathas of Vedic sampradayas are included. Word limit can range between 500-1500 words.


We accept explanations and/or translations of writings/commentaries of Acharyas who belong to traditional un-broken sanatana lineages. This could also be in the form of an excerpt of the text with your explanation (based on your understanding) – as a single submission, or a series. Please do not send us direct translations of your own understanding of shastrasic teachings. Short stories only from puranas will be acceptable. A single piece must be limited to 1500 words.

Introduction to your Sampradaya

We would love to familiarize seekers with other traditional lineages that follow the authority of Vedas. We shall only consider un-broken traditional lineages of Vedic Guru Paramparas where previous Gurus can be traced back to the revered founder Acharya.

Your introduction must contain all three of the following:

  1. An overview of the life and contribution of the founder of the sampradaya. (1500 words)
  2. A brief essay on the basic philosophy (500 words).
  3. Please also share all official links (if available) of the matha you follow (website, social media, etc)

However, we may consider including local traditional paths but that would need careful review on our part and decision on format.

The Sacred Gauvansh

We welcome you to add to our existing repository of the indigenous cow breeds of Bharat. The format would be on lines of what already exists. References are to be sent along as well. You are required to send an image of the cow/bull (with image credits). Please ensure the image is high resolution and 1000X1000 pixels.

Share your story

Have you experienced a positive transformation in your life after coming in contact with traditional teachings of sanatana dharma or a traditional guru parampara? If so, we would love to know more and would hope more Hindus will be inspired with your story.

Do share which traditional path/sampradaya/lineage and guru parampara influenced you (you may or may not be initiated with mantra diksha). You may also share your experience on how a general exposure to traditional teachings of sanatana dharma has changed your perspective/view on Hindu dharma, etc (this may be relevant even if you are not following a specific traditional Guru, as yet). Share your story or experience with us in about a 1000 words.

Content guideline

  1. Language: Kindly submit your work in simple English. Our idea is to convey our messages in the easiest possible way.
  2. IAST format: Kindly do not use IAST or Kyoto style of formatting in your submission.
  3. Plagiarism: We will not accept any work that has been copied.
  4. Editing: Would request you to keep minimum scope for editing (hopefully none at all). British-Indian English is preferred.
  5. User Rights: We will not accept work that has been published elsewhere already. Once your piece is published by us, you may publish it only on your personal blog in two weeks time, giving credits with the link saying that it was first published on Tulasi Vanam. We would not accept articles created exactly out of your twitter threads or appreciate articles to be fully opened up in twitter threads/other social media (after publishing). Links must be shared with excerpts on social media.
  6. Please introduce yourself with a name/pseudonym and share your social media handle (Twitter X account).
  7. Please make your submission by attaching a Microsoft Word Document to your email.

Thank you.

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